/ thinking
Our job at Brother Design is to make brands successful through design. Get it right and it can bring immediate rewards, with sales shooting up overnight. That’s the immediacy of good design, especially in a field like packaging.
Less effective design, however, is too often tolerated. Whether that’s due to lack of understanding, not wanting to face up to failure or being obsessed with awards, what really matters is fixing it.
Our long-standing role in the development of Foodstuffs own label giant Pams has given us huge insights into the difference between success and failure on shelf. It’s why brands like Farrah’s, Dairyworks and Tatua have trusted us to give their products the edge they need, succeeding in the face of fierce competition and tough listing criteria.
Take Farrah’s wraps, an excellent product whose potential was unleashed by clever design. It’s an example of how crucial it is to thoroughly understand a product’s market, especially the environment where it’s purchased, to create effective design that sells. We do this via a highly-efficient, proprietary process, and it makes all the difference in the world.
Smart marketers appreciate the importance of packaging design in their marketing mix. It is, after all, the element that delivers your product into consumers’ hands. While broadcast communications, or even supposedly targeted digital advertising, are steps removed from your product, its packaging is like a person’s clothing. As the last thing consumers see before they make a purchase decision, and sometimes the only brand communication they see at all, its role is crucial. That’s why investing in quality design is a must.
By Jenny McMillan, Brother Design
Article originally published in Supermarket News August 2020 edition